Welcome to San Francisco

So I think we all agree that San Francisco is no Big Apple when it comes to the fashion scene. It is however, a city full of "transplants", change, social and technological innovation. That being said, there is definitely an active fashion scene here. But seriously, where the fuck is it? These were my first thoughts when moving to the city by the Bay.

Though perhaps not quite as influential as LA or NYC (yet) in fashion, SF lacks both the pretentious label whores of LA and the bitchiness of New York and has the ability to bring new and relevant ideas to the fashion world. And no, I'm not talking about the typical hipster sporting a pair of Cheap Mondays and a super obnoxious T shirt from American Apparel. Here, people give a damn about the environment, sustainability, and developing the local economy - but how does that translate into fashion? There's something intangibly seductive about Frisco. My quest to figure out the SF fashion scene has embarked...

stay tuned...


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